The Birchwood Park Employee Wellbeing Calculator

A healthier, happier workforce is proven to bring a return on investment.

According to Deloitte’s latest report, Mental health and employers: Refreshing the case for investment, employers can expect to get an average return of £5 for every £1 spent.

Ready to see how your workplace stacks up when it comes to workplace wellbeing?

Take our short quiz and discover how well you’re doing, and your key focus areas to better support your staff.

  1. House

    What is your current home/remote working policy? Select the statement which best applies

    Select the statement which best applies

  2. Clock

    Do you offer any flexibility when it comes to working hours?

    Select the statement which best applies

  3. Tick in a circle

    Do you offer any of the following benefits to your team?

    Tick all that apply

  4. Hand holding a heart

    How comprehensive is your employee mental wellbeing support programme?

    Select the statement which best applies

  5. Calendar

    How regularly do you plan team building and/or social events?

    Select the statement which best applies